
1. What are tips for strengthening the home-school connection with ELL families? (See chapter 17)

Book is early childhood experiences in language arts 12th edition

2. Explain the stages of writing.
(See Chapter 14: Print-Early Knowledge and Emerging Interest)

3. Define “discourse skills” (student discourse) in detail.
(See Chapter 12: Program Speaking Goals)

4. Describe a classroom that is conducive to children’s speaking opportunities. (See the Chapter 12: Program Speaking Goals)

5. Teacher’s need to do the following behaviors in order to cultivate conversations with children. (See Chapter12: Program Speaking Goals)

6. What are the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics for screen time for young children? (See Chapter 16)

7 . What are some suggestions for a “Print-Rich” preschool environment? (See Chapter 16)

8. What are some teaching tips for vocabulary instruction (See Chapter 6)

9. All daily activities and adult /child interactions in an Early Childhood Program need to include what 10 things? (See Chapter 6)

10. Studies show that the more involved parents are in a child’s education, the better they perform at school. How would you increase parent involvement in your classroom? How would you communicate with parents? (See handouts and Chapter 17: Parent Center Partnership and Promoting Literacy: At School and Home)

11. Why do early childhood educators believe considering the use of technology and integrating teaching into the preschool classroom? (See Chapter 16: Developing a Literacy Environment)

12. Explain in detail Shared Reading/ Read Aloud. (See Chapter 15 Reading and Preschoolers.)

13. Describe the library corner in a preschool classroom. (See Chapter 16)

14. Describe the steps when reading a book to young children (Steps 1-5)? (Chap. 8)

15. Explain the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model (See handout)

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