Case 1 History
23 year old male. Over the past week noted increasing fatigue, sore throat, earaches, headaches,
and episodic fever and chills. Unable to run his customary 25 miles per week. Upon physical
examination we noted Erythematous throat and tonsils along with Swollen cervical lymph nodes.
1. What test(s) are abnormal?
2. Are the test(s) high or low? (if more than one test is abnormal, identify which is high/low).
3. What do each of the abnormal tests indicate is the cause of the sickness? (Bacterial infection,
viral infection, parasitic infection, bad diet)
4. Choose one of the conditions listed as the diagnosis: Sickle cell anemia, Viral Infection
(mononucleosis), Bacterial Infection (Tuberculosis), Anemia, Malaria (parasites in cells),
Leukemia (Cancer)