Answer :
Potential solutions: Selected neuronal firing Unpleasant impulses can be processed by your memory and suppressed. Sensory adjustment Permanent potentiation It would be hard to wear glasses if you had to constantly pay attention.
Regardless of age, wearing glasses signals that your vision is changing. The most frequent reasons for children and adults to need glasses worldwide are nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Your eyes' refractive error prevents light from focusing directly on the retina, which results in hazy vision. A refractive error will affect more than 50% of people at some time in their lives, necessitating the use of corrective lenses like glasses or contact lenses to enable clear vision. Any visual issue can make it difficult to drive, read, use a computer, or engage in your favorite hobbies. It can also cause your vision to become blurry or distorted, and it can give you migraines or eye strain.
learn more about wearing glasses here: