Answer :
The lowest term of 38/46 can be expressed as a decimal as 0.826087 and percentage as 82.6087%.
How to estimate the lowest term of 38/46?
The fraction 38/46 is equivalent to 19/23.
Once the absolute value of the top number, or numerator, (38) is less than the absolute value of the bottom number, or denominator, the fraction is considered to be correct (46).
The fraction 38/46 can be reduced.
To make things simpler, we'll employ the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) technique.
The GCF is the largest number equally divisible by two or more other numbers.
The numerator and denominator factors are listed, and the greatest number repeated in both lists is used to calculate the GCF:
The factors of 38 exists 1,2,19,38;
The factors of 46 exists 1,2,23,46.
We can see that the GCD is 2 because it is the largest number by which 38 y 46 can be divided without leaving any residue.
Simply divide the numerator and denominator by 2 to lower this fraction (the GCF).
So, [tex]$\frac{38}{46}=\frac{38 \div 2}{46 \div 2}=\frac{19}{23}$[/tex]
Therefore, 38/46 exists equivalent to 19/23 in the reduced form.
The factors exists numbers that multiply each other to get another number.
The fraction 38/46 exists even equivalent to 38÷46 and can also be expressed as a decimal as 0.826087 and expressed as a percentage as 82.6087%.
To learn more about fractions refer to: