what is muhammad’s flight from mecca to medina called?; compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the arab empire.; which sahabi first migrated to madina; which sahabi first migrated to madina mcqs; which of the following statements best describes the spread of islam during the arab conquests?; what is the sharia and what is it based on; who was the first caliph; what is the name of the holiest city of islam?

Answer :

Muhammand's flight from mecca to medina to complete his hegira to escape prosecution. In Medina, Muhammad set about the  building of the  followers of his religion Islam into an organized community and Arabian power.

The Hegira would  marked the  of the Muslim calendar Muhammad, one of the most influential religious and political leaders in history, was born in Mecca around 570 and regarded himself as the last prophet of the Judaic-Christian tradition.

He adopted aspects of these older religions to  new doctrines. His inspired teachings would bring unity to the Arabian peninsula isan event that had sweeping consequences for the rest of the world.

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