given this concept, order the galaxies from most edge-on to most face-on. assume that all of the galaxies are perfectly round and that any apparent elongation is due purely to their orientation.

Answer :

Galaxy forms are statistically aligned, not arbitrarily orientated, and this alignment can vary depending on the circumstances surrounding galaxy formation, its past, and its current state.

Therefore, studying galactic alignments can provide crucial insights into the astrophysics of galaxy creation, evolution, and the development of structure in the Universe. We summarize the most important intrinsic alignment metrics in this review study, broken down by galaxy type, scale, and environment. Additionally, we discuss the formalism and statistics required to comprehend the observations in the literature. Galaxy alignments have gained in significance as a result of weak gravitational lensing's development as a precise cosmology probe because they can imitate cosmic shear, the impact of gravitational lensing by large-scale structure on observable galaxy forms.In weak lensing research, intrinsic alignments become a significant systematic influence as a result. We estimate the influence of intrinsic alignments on cosmic shear surveys before evaluating realistic mitigation strategies designed to reduce intrinsic alignment contamination.

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