which of the following is the major means of propelling the bolus and chyme through the digestive tract? A} ) swallowing B) churning C) peristalsis D) segmentation

Answer :

The major means of propelling the bolus and chyme through the digestive tract is peristalsis

The smooth muscles of the human gastrointestinal tract contract and relax involuntarily in waves, which is known as peristalsis. A peristaltic wave is created by these alternating contractions and relaxations, which forces the food through the digestive system's esophagus. The peristaltic movement pushes the food forward and prevents it from traveling backward.Food is moved through the digestive tract by a sequence of wave-like muscle contractions called peristalsis. The process begins in the esophagus, where powerful waves of smooth muscle transport balls of swallowed food to the stomach.

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