an air water vapor mixture at 101.3 kpa has a dry bulb tempearture of 35 and a raltive humidyty of 80%. the mixture is cooled to a dry bulb temperatuire of 20 any condensate formed has a temperature of 22. fin d the heat transfer required

Answer :

The heat transfer will be 1.53 q during the humidity.

The temperature mostly on the wet-bulb measurement is subtracted from either the temperature mostly on the dry-bulb thermometer, as well as the relative humidity is calculated using a relative humidity chart.

The given data:

raltive humidity = 80%

temperature  = 22

It can be determined by the fotmula:

Omega = Pv/Pd-Pv

Pv = pressure of wet bulb

Pd = pressure of dry bulb

Hence, W = 101.3/66=1.53

Therefore, 1.53 q heat will be transferred.

To know more about humidity