These questions are for the flim “the butler”
1. Describe how life is like for Cecil Gaines in his early years of life, until he works for a hotel in Washington D.C as a butler.
2. Why does Louis go to Fisk University, and what does he get involved in while he is there?
3. What event is John F. Kennedy inspired by, which leads to his change of heart towards race relations, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 before he is assassinated?
4. Cecil Gaines worked for 8 presidents over the course of his career, however only 5 are shown in the film. List the five presidents they show Gaines work
5. Explain the tactics Louis uses to try and get changes for African-American's.
What efforts does he make to try and win Civil Rights?
6. Who were the Black Panthers? What was their approach to the Civil Rights Movement?
7. What does Martin Luther King Ir. say about Louis' dad being a butler?
8. Why is there a struggle between the father Cecil Gaines, and his son Louis Gaines? How does each of them approach getting Civil Rights for African-Americans?
Write your answer below comparing and contrasting the two characters.