Note: The procedures for this lab as shown in the video are very good if you need extra help.
1. Tape the black paper to the outside of the jar so that it covers about half of the jar.
2. Place the ice pack on the bottom of the jar and tape the bags of hot water to the mouth of the jar so that the hot bags
hang inside the jar.
3. Cover the jar with the lid and allow the layers of hot and cold air to form inside the jar. This will take about two
minutes. Use your stopwatch and record the amount of time in your lab notebook.
4. Insert the straw into the jar, being careful to keep the lid closed as much as possible. Keep one end of the straw
outside the jar.
5. Quickly light two matches, blow them out, and then drop them into the jar through the straw. Observe the smoke
from the matches against the jar's black background. Record your observations in your lab notebook.
6. Be sure that you recycle or keep the materials you can during your clean up. Be sure matches are completely cool
before adding to the trash. The paper and tape can be recycled. The jar will just need to be washed out with soap
and water for reuse.
Post Lab Analysis