during the last interglacial episode, which was the last time earth's surface experienced temperatures similar to today's, sea levels were about compared to present day levels.

Answer :

Around 125,000 years ago, during the last interglacial period, the temperature was 1° to 2°C warmer than it is today, and the sea level was estimated to be 4–6 metres higher. Dutton and Lambeck (p. 216) now contend that the sea level may have been as much as 10 metres higher than it is today.

When was the last interglacial epoch, or when was the current level of warmth last experienced?

Abstract. Over a period of millennia, warmer temperatures than now have only recently been recorded during the Last Interglacial, between 129,000 and 116,000 years ago. But it's unclear when and how much warmth will occur throughout this time.

Learn more about interglacial period
