Wemmick: Write a comparison/contrast essay about Wemmick's home environment and his office environment. What are your conclusions about these two places? Is Dickens trying to tell the readers something here? help me please....

Answer :

Wemmick's slogan w-as to be "Office is one thi-ng, private life is an-other." Indeed, Wemmick has a fant-astical priv-ate life. Altho-ugh he lives in a small cot-tage, the cottage has been mod-ified to look a bit like a castle, comp-lete with moat, draw-bridge, and a firing can-non.

Pip finds Wemmick an entert-aining host, far differ-ent from the Wemmick at the offi-ce. Dic.ken's humo-rously uses Wemmick to show how confor-ming to society, in th-is case Wemmick's job at Jag-gers, can twist a per-son so much as to make them un-identifiable.

It is al-most as if Wemmick's private and life and pub-lic life have made him a sp-lit personality. The one, a grim clerk with a dry callous-ness, the other, an imagin-ative, caring, gen-erous esot eric. Lite-rally, Wemmick's home is his castle, and Wemmick talks in ter-ms of defend-ing this private hom-e again-st the encroach-ment of the h.ard city life.

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