maya opens the door to her lecture hall and takes in all the details of the scene but quickly forgets the details she is not paying attention to. which type of memory is maya experiencing?

Answer :

Maya opens the door to her lecture hall and takes in all the details of the scene but quickly forgets the details she is not paying attention to. which type of memory is maya experiencing short term memory.

A lecture corridor (or lecture theatre) is a massive room used for instruction, commonly at a college or university. Unlike a traditional classroom with a potential typically among one and fifty, the potential of lecture halls is normally measured withinside the hundreds. Lecture halls nearly continually have a pitched floor, in order that the ones withinside the rear is sat better than the ones on the front (i.e. tiered seating), permitting them to see the lecturer. The significance of lecture halls is so tremendous that a few colleges of structure have supplied publications solely focused on their design. The noted Boston architect Earl Flans burgh wrote several articles that specialize in attaining efficacious lecture corridor design.

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