on a television series, various members of a wealthy family live together on a ranch that has been passed down through the generations. when members of that family marry, they usually continue to live on the ranch, where they raise their children, even though some of these married couples would rather leave and buy land of their own. this is an example of

Answer :

This is an example of a descent group on an ancestral estate.  An estate gained by descent or by virtue of the law is referred to as an ancestral estate. Lineage is the primary factor taken into account when evaluating eligibility for an ancestral estate.

- More about ancestral estate :

- A person's extended family's origins are represented by their ancestral home, which is typically a house that has been owned and maintained for many generations by the same family. The phrase can be used to describe a single home or estate as well as a larger geographic area, such as an entire town, region, or nation.

- Any sons, grandsons, or great grandsons of the individual inheriting the land become co-owners with him, which is a significant feature of ancestral property. They get the right to it by virtue of their birth.

- Daughters may also ask for the property of their ancestors to be divided and sold. A legal notification claiming your rights may be submitted to the offending party if a stakeholder is refused his portion of the property or if one member decides to sell the property without discussing the other members.

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