The bike you have been saving for is discounted 25%. You have $400 saved to purchase it. The original, non-discounted price of the bike is $450. There is a 5.44% sales tax added to the price of the bike. After you purchase the bike with the discount and sales tax, how much money will you have left over? Round your answer to the nearest dollar.

Answer :


1) Let's begin considering that our budget is $400.

Since the bike is discounted by 25%, we can get to know the price with this formula:


2) Note that there is an increase in the price since there are taxes to pay. The original price is taken into consideration to charge the tax. So, let's find how much we have to pay:


So, let's add that to the discounted price:


3) Since I've got $400 let's find how much is left after that purchase:


Note that as requested we rounded off to the nearest dollar.

Thus, that's what's left after the purchase