Answer :
All the soviet citizens had a right to work and the government allocated all jobs.
It was however illegal as they embraced communalism.
The unity of the soviet socialist republic covered Russia, Belurasia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian federation which later in 1936 was divided into the Georgian republic, the Azerbaijan republic, and the Armenian republic.
The Soviet leadership insisted on communism and all means of production but the government-controlled human labor.
Every citizen, however, had a right to work and jobs were allocated by the state and they were not competed for as in the west.
All enterprises were government owned and the means of payment was through your productivity.
the soviet citizens though enjoyed rights such as;
- Freedom of political expression.
- Freedom of literary and scientific expression.
- Freedom of assembly and association.
- Freedom of religion.
- Freedom of movement.
- Right to vote.
- Economic right.
read more on the USSR economy from: