asquarematrixiscalledapermutationmatrixifitcon- tains a 1 exactly once in each row and in each column, with all other entries being 0. examples are in and are permutation matrices invertible? if so, is the inverse a permutation matrix as well?

Answer :

Examples of permutation matrices are the identity matrices with a permutation in rows. Permutation matrices are invertible and the inverse is a permutation matrix as well.

A permutation matrix is a square matrix which contains exactly one 1 in each row and all other entries 0.

So a permutation matrix can be obtained by rearranging the rows or columns of an identity matrix. Identity matrix is also a permutation matrix with entry 1 exactly once in each row and all other entries 0.

Example of a permutation matrix:


A permutation matrix is invertible because an identity matrix is invertible [since det(I) = 1] and a permutation matrix is just got by exchanging rows or columns which does not change its determinant. So the determinant of a permutation matrix ≠ 0 and hence invertible.

The inverse of a permutation matrix is its transpose itself. The transpose is again a permutation matrix.

Learn more about permutation matrix at