62.00 nanometres per second is equivalent to 62 picometre per milliseconds
Picometers is a SI unit of length equal to 10−¹² meters with a symbol pm while nanometres is another SI subunit of length equal to 10-⁹ metres with symbol nm.
The conversion factor of picometers and nanometres is as follows:
1 picometre = 0.001 nanometre
This means that 62 nanometre will be equal to 62000 picometres.
1 second = 1000 milliseconds
62000/1000 = 62 pm/ms.
Therefore, it can be said that 62.00nm/s is the same as 62 pm/ms based on the conversion factor above.
Learn more about conversion factor at: https://brainly.com/question/20525485