What is the stressed syllable of the following words?

1. Maite
2. aguanta
3. ahora
4. almohada
5. amarillo
6. aorta
7. aplaude
8. aries
9. auto
10. baile
11. bien
12. brasil
13. carro
14. ciudad
15. cohete
16. coincide
17. cuba
18. cuenta
19. cuidado

Answer :

Answer:As you pack in the final beach days of the summer and look forward to what's ahead, things are shifting in the stars and September ushers in a totally different vibe. While things cool down temperature-wise, the change-making intensity of August chills out a bit too. That isn’t to say that September isn’t rife with pivots and fluctuations, but it’s definitely not as overwhelming as what we moved through last month. The astrology of August pushed us to our limits, it showed us the type of intense pressure that we are capable of surviving. September brings us a necessary moment of pause in the form of a Mercury Retrograde, giving us permission to stop, catch our breath, look around, and proceed forward with some grace and dignity. It’s a process, though.


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