Research a traditional recipe with a minimum of 5 ingredients from a Spanish-speaking country. Consider looking up mole, tamales, posole, arroz con gandules, pupusas or other recipes. Under the supervision of an adult, prepare your recipe and see how you like it.

Then, in Spanish, record yourself saying the ingredients you needed to make it and then whether or not you like the recipe and why in Spanish. Be specific. Use a dictionary to look up any words (not full sentences) that you do not know to describe food. Expand on vocabulary you do know.

If you are unable to purchase ingredients to make a recipe, that's ok! Find a recipe anyhow, and use your imagination to complete the activity.

Answer :

The recipe chosen to prepare a meal from a Spanish-speaking country is tamales, which can be found in Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and others.

What ingredients do the Tamales have?

To make tamales, the following ingredients are usually used:

  • Harina de trigo
  • Garbanzos
  • Zanahoria
  • Carne de cerdo
  • Carne de res
  • Pollo
  • Hoja de cubierta de origen vegetal

Los tamales son una de las recetas más deliciosas que alguna vez he probado de la gastronomía proveniente de países de habla hispana, se trata de un conjunto de carnes rodeada por una masa líquida hecha con harina de trigo, garbanzos y con fragmentos de zanahoria.

Los tamales me parecen deliciosos, sobre todo para comer al desayuno puesto que pueden acompañarse con una bebida caliente y pan, adicionalmente pueden ser guardados en el refrigerador y para calentarse se hace al vapor.

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