The representation of 1 / 8 in decimal form will be 0.125 and it is a rational number as it is a terminating decimal.
We are given a fraction:
1 / 8.
We have to represent it as a decimal and tell that it is a rational number.
To write it as a decimal, First we will make the denominator a multiple of 10:
1 / 8 × 125 / 125 = 125 / 1000.
Now writing it in the decimal form, we get that:
= 0.125.
Now, we can see that it is a non repeating terminating number.
So, we can say that it is a rational number.
Therefore, the representation of 1 / 8 in decimal form will be 0.125 and it is a rational number as it is a terminating decimal.
Learn more about decimal here: