Answer :

The correct order of events is listed, taking into account each of the sentences in the conversation between Catrina and Cornelius.

What is the correct order of the Conversation?

The correct order of the conversation between Catrina and Cornelius, taking into account the given sentences is:

  1. Cornelius dice: Hola, ¿cómo te llamas?
  2. Catrina no le responde.
  3. Cornelius repite: Hola, ¿cómo te llamas?
  4. Catrina le responde: Pío, pío, pío.
  5. Cornelius le dice: Los canguros no dicen pío, pío.
  6. Catrina le dice: No soy una canguro, soy un pollito.
  7. Cornelius le dice: ¡Adiós, pollito!
  8. Cornelius es un canguro y Catrina es una canguro.

As you can see, it is a hilarious situation where two kangaroos meet, however, one of these thinks he is a chick, therefore, when they greet him, he answers with the sound that chicks make regularly, until the other kangaroo gets tired and he goes.

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