Every good paragraph needs an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction tells a reader what the paragraph is about. Start your paragraph by filling in the blanks in this sentence: The chart and the map both tell about _____________________. The body of the paragraph gives details about that topic sentence. In the chart, you learn _________________. Every year, there were (more / less) people in America. The map is different. It shows _________________. Most people lived in the (South / Northeast / West). Before you finish, you need to write a conclusion. One way to do this is say what you think about the topic. I think it is easier to read the _________________ because _________________. Next, put those sentences together to write a paragraph. Remember to indent the paragraph - push the first line over a few spaces. Every sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. You may add more sentences if you like. If you do, make sure they help explain the topic sentence. Turn it in to your teacher when you are finished. This section of the assignment is worth 21 points.