Instructions: Begin this assignment by creating a blank Word document and typing your responses to Questions 1-4. Submit this document with your responses as a
Word document or PDF to the dropbox in Canvas. (This document should contain only your responses; do not copy-and-paste any content from the instructions.)
Refer to Units 2, 3, and 4 readings and presentations to support your responses in this assignment. You are required to cite at least one relevant resource from these
assigned readings and presentations for each of the ethical systems discussed - Le, cite one resource for your responses related to Virtue Ethics, one for Kantian
Ethics, and one for Utilitarian Ethics for a total of three resources altogether. (USLOS 2.3, 3.4, 4.3)
1. Scenario Description: Identify and explain one scenario in which someone breaks a promise. (Respond in your own words; you are not required to cite a resource
for this response. Recommended response length is 1-3 sentences.)
2. Virtue Ethics (You are required to cite a resource from Units 2, 3, and 4 readings and presentations for these responses.)
A. Identify what a virtue ethicist will say is morally right or wrong to do in the example of breaking a promise you provided. Should you break the promise from a
virtue ethics perspective? (1-2 sentence response recommended)
B. Explain what reasoning a follower of virtue ethics would use to determine the right thing to do based on that system's core principles (e.g., telos, virtue, and
eudaimonia). (4-6 sentence response recommended
3. Kantian Ethics (You are required to cite a resource from Units 2, 3, and 4 readings and presentations for these responses.)
A. Identify what a Kantian ethicist will say is morally right or wrong to do in the example of breaking a promise you provided. Should you break the promise from a
Kantian ethics perspective? (1-2 sentence response recommended)
B. Explain what reasoning a follower of Kantian would use to determine the right thing to do based on that system's core principles (e.g. goodwill, duty.
impartiality, and reciprocity). (4-6 sentence response recommended)
4. Utilitarian Ethics (You are required to cite a resource from Units 2, 3, and 4 readings and presentations for these responses)
A. Identify what a utilitarian will say is morally right or wrong to do in the example of breaking a promise you provided. Should you break the promise from a
utilitarian perspective? (1-2 sentence response recommended)
B. Explain what reasoning a follower of utilitarian ethics would use to determine the right thing to do based on that system's core principles (e.g. welfarism,
impartiality, sum-ranking, consequentialism). (4-6 sentence response recommended)
Ethics Application Grading Rubric 01.2024

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