The SituationYou are a healthcare administrator whose team is experiencing conflicts that are rootedin communication issues between two colleagues: Maria and Curtis. You are Curtis'sdirect supervisor. The issue has escalated to the point that your entire department haseffectively "picked sides" with either Maria (the charge nurse) or Curtis (a nurse).Maria could not identify when the conflict began but did recognize that an on-goingdeterioration of the relationship had resulted and that a series of small eventscontributed to the problems. The individuals were no longer speaking directly to eachother unless absolutely necessary. The other team members noticed thatcommunication was significantly impacted and even information regarding routine officeoperations was shared with limitations. Maria reported that the two individuals had verydifferent work styles and approaches to work. She reported feeling that Curtis was astrong personality that others avoided for fear of disapproval or reprisals. She felt asthough she were excluded from the group of seasoned employees because she wasnew to the unit, essentially an outsider. She felt that a power imbalance existed and thatthe Curtis held a great deal of influence over others, regardless of the fact that she wasin a leadership position. Additionally, the Maria believed that Curtis did not complete hiswork and this perception contributed to the conflict. Maria indicated that she had finallycome forward after significant contemplation and a final incident that could be perceivedto be rather insignificant but was yet another example of what she believed was a longseries of behavioral and code of conduct infractions.When advised of the complaint, Curtis indicated that the allegations of bad behaviorwere unfounded and, that in fact, he was the recipient of bullying behavior. Curtisagreed that there was an ongoing relationship issue and was preparing to forwarddocumentation that would support his allegations of harassment and bullying. Hemaintained that the Maria was known to be difficult and abrasive and that co-workerswere fearful of her abusive verbal and non-verbal communication style and her positionof leadership. Curtis disclosed that Maria, in her position of leadership, had the authorityto initiate policy changes that impacted breaks and scheduled vacations. She statedthat others did not come forward for fear of retaliation. Curtis also reported that the twohad very different work styles, and communication abilities. Curtis felt Maria was rude,overly directive and abrupt with staff. Both parties began to accumulate significant sicktime and attributed the absenteeism, at least in part, to work-related stress.Unfortunately, team members of the department knew about the difficulties and beganopenly discussing the peers involved. A number of staff members had chosen a "side"to support and further relationship damage was the result.To begin, you have scheduled an in-person conversation with Curtis to discuss theinterpersonal conflict between himself and Maria and to reach agreement on how allmembers of the team can work together going forward. You want to be sure to fullyexplore his concerns and priorities and make appropriate adjustments, if they areneeded, while also clearly expressing your own concerns and priorities.Simulation Challenges and Objectives Challenge/Objective
Frame the purpose of the conversation, describe thesituation that necessitated the conversation, and set a tone of mutual respect andproblem solving. Challenge/Objective