From the Excel file, Open the Excel sheet “FPR, FNR vs Cutoff”
1. First, sort on predicted probability column, Column D (descending)
2. Calculate n11, n00, n10, n01. for all cutoff Probabilities provided in Column F. I provided these
numbers (n11, n00, n10, n01) for cutoff of “1”, “0.6” and “0.5”.
3. Calculate the FPR and FNR for the cutoff probabilities (See the formulas on “Notations and Error
Rates” in the Reference Materials section).
4. Plot FNR and FPR vs. Cutoff probabilities (X axis is Cutoff Probability, column F). Label the axes.
Note: Your charts should somewhat be similar to Figure 9.1 on page 468 of textbook.
5. Construct the confusion Matrix for cutoff = 0.5.