Column B

Match the words/phrases in Column A with the corresponding meaning in Column B. Write only the correct letter (For example: 1. A).

2.1 Barter

A. An economic system characterized by private ownership, competition, and the pursuit of profit through the management of production, distribution, and exchange.

2.2 Beta

B. Is used to identify and differentiate products made by a specific manufacturer or sold by a particular dealer from those of competitors.

2.3 Diversification

C. Funds sent by migrants to their home countries, typically to provide financial support to their families.

2.4 Dumping

D. When an economy grows rapidly, companies may encounter resource shortages and labour constraints, causing increased costs and wages, ultimately leading to inflation.

2.5 Elasticity

E. Defy the usual supply-demand dynamics, higher prices can lead to increased demand due to reduced affordability of alternatives.

2.6 Giffen goods

F. Assesses how one factor reacts to changes in another, e.g., a 10% price increase can result in demand falling by less than 10% or more than 10%.


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2.7 Overheating

G. Selling below production cost, a tactic used by market leaders to potentially eliminate competitors.

2.8 Remittances

H. Diversifying one's interests across a broad spectrum.

2.9 Capitalism

1. Swapping goods/services without money; often less efficient due to mismatched needs of buyers and sellers.

2.10 Trademark

J. This ratio quantifies how responsive the price of a specific asset is to changes in the broader market's price.