If the company’s current liabilities increase by 30%, which of the following indicators or ratios will decrease as a result, e-commerce prices increased, and trade discussed by 30%:A- Debt to Total Assets Ratio
Ratio of debt to assets
b- Debt-to-equity ratio and debt-to-equity ratio
C- Current Ratio and Current Ratio D- Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio and Alternative Receivables Turnover Ratio
7-A correlation study shows that the correlation coefficient between the price of the price utilities is located in an equal state (1.00). This result means
A - There is a weak direct relationship between the price of the two commodities. There is a weak relationship between the price of the two commodities
It is the reason for the controversy, the price of which indicates the high price of drugs
It is the reason for the decrease in the price of (X) the increase in the price of the commodity
C- There is a direct direct relationship between the price of the two commodities
D- It is the cause of the rise in the price of the sea and the rise of the cliffs.
The reason for the rise in the price of the commodity (X) is the rise in the price of the commodity (Y)
8-Which of the following statements is (are) correct:a-Public offering is characterized by low issuance costs due to selling securities to
the public b-Public offering is characterized by low issuance costs due to selling securities to the public
C- Private placement includes seling securities to specific investors Generally there is a pre agreement between the firm and the investors without assistance of investment banks
D-d. Generally, public offering is done without assistance of investment banks