Create a creative and difficult question from any of the Grade 12 math units (also provide a solution if you can).
Either create a question from these units:
1. Polynomial Functions
2. Polynomial Equations and Inequalities
3. Rational Functions
4. Exponential and Logarithmic Function
or these:
1. Trigonometry
2. Trigonometric Functions
3. Combining Functions
4. Rates of Change
If you create one question from both categories, I will award you with Brainliest! (or if one question is really good, or you provide a solution to the question you created.)
It cannot be stolen from somewhere else.
Here are some helpful instructions:
1. Complete all the questions – it is better to have something for each topic rather than really good
work in some topics and blanks in other topics.
2. Explain your solutions, don’t just show them. Showing accurate and full solutions will earn you a
level 3. To achieve a level 4, you will likely need multiple parts to your questions (part a, part b,
3. Make sure your work is clear and easy to follow.
4. Make sure you understand what the topic is and do a question relating to it.
5. Avoid using math that is not part of our course curriculum – this will not earn any marks.
6. You can create a word problem but be careful. Often students create word problems with a lot of
words that makes things neither difficult, nor creative. The creative part should be the math and
the solutions.
7. Make your questions creative and difficult. Make the numbers more challenging to solve than
normal. Ensure you explain your thinking, reasoning, or steps throughout.
8. You can do many creative things. For example: Puzzle, find the mistake and explain, which are / are
not a certain type, clues, decode a message, matching, riddle, crossword, maze, and more!