Now that you’ve summarized some significant events related to Oklahoma in the latter half of the twentieth century, choose one of those topics to investigate further:

the 45th Infantry Division fights in World War II
the Oklahoma City bombing
Oklahoma! opens on Broadway
the Penn Square Bank Scandal
Clara Luper organizes a sit-in
Sipuel v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma
the Five Ballerinas become known internationally
Prohibition ends in Oklahoma
McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents
deep drilling in the Anadarko Basin
Now pretend that you’re a journalist writing a news blog about your chosen event. Do some basic research about the topic to help you prepare your article. Focus on the “5 Ws and H” of the event—who, what, when, where, why, and how.

In the chart, take notes to answer each question related to the “5 Ws and H.” You can write your research notes in bullet form. Note that there is space for you to list the sources you used.

Now that youve summarized some significant events related to Oklahoma in the latter half of the twentieth century choose one of those topics to investigate furt class=

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