Case Study 2021 Assignment (1).pdf - Read-only
The Mico University College
Business Department
Business Commination 1.
The Double Rite Bottling Company delivers soda to vending machines throughout the Eastern
Caribbean. The company takes pride in the fact that all the beverages are sold in returnable bottles.
The company is looking to expand into new territory like the United States of America or Europe. It is
the intention of the company to distribute to hotels in the region then work towards the expansion.
The President of Double Rite feels it is his civic duty to help decrease the roadside trash that is often
attributes to disposable beverage cans.
The returned empty bottles are stored on the roof and side of the truck when the driver is making
deliveries. The driver sometimes does not collect the empty bottles from the retailers whom they sell
the beverages. There is a constant break in communication with the main office and the drivers.
Upon returning to the warehouse after deliveries are made, a helper passes the empty cases from the
roof or side of the truck to the driver standing on the ground. The driver then places the cases onto a
conveyor. There is no record keeping of the items being returned.
There is a culture of poor record keeping among the drivers. Notices and reminders are posted on the
noticeboard and text messages are also sent weekly. Even though the company is trying to reduce the
high level of bottles on the street; the drivers have not helped the cause. One manager complains
about the driver's level educations being a contributing factor to the lack of compliance.
1. Identify at least TWO issues/concern within the case?
2. Discuss TWO Barriers of Communication found in the case.
3. Explain THREE methods/solution to solve the barriers identified in question 2.
4. Analysis TWO environmental issues that may occur because of the driver's action?