The Night Thoreau Spent In Jail :

- importance of nature
- non-conformity
- self- reliance
- activism

name one theme found in act 1 along with textual evidence for support. Answer in 2-3 complete sentences with an in-text citation.

2) why does Bailey think that Henry is a murder?
a) because henry can spell his name
b) because henry is a non-conformist
c) because henry sounds educated

3) Henry used a meadow and not a textbook to teach his students about science. How does this represent Transcendentalism and would you want to learn this way?
complete in 2-4 sentences

4) why does Henry resign from the school he taught for? Answer in 2-3 complete sentences along with textual evidence and an in-text citation.

5) Why didn't Henry pay his poll tax in this instance? Answer in 2-3 complete sentences.

6) why isn't Waldo in jail and how did this make henry feel ?

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