What will be the performance of executing the above 5 instructions in a pipeline implementation (one stage takes 250ps)? Briefly explain or draw a picture? What will be the performance of executing the above 5 instructions in a single-cycle implementation if: Accessing (using) Memory Units takes: 250 ps
Register File takes: 50 ps Main ALU takes: 200 ps Note: accessing the other units is considered to take no time; Please Help!! 5 Instructions are load, store, r-format, beq, jump
I wasn't sure since all of them have different operands like beq only perform in stage IF, ID, EX. Does this mean loads are 250 x 5 = 1250ps store is 250 x 4 = 1000ps r-format 250 x 4 = 1000ps and beq 250 x 3 = 750ps ? Or do they all take the same time? 1250ps??

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