2.8.9: Concatenating Fractions Implement getNumerator and getDenominator. Then fill in the toString method so that it returns a Fraction in the form "numerator/denominator", such as "1/2" or "16/20". FractionTester.java import java.util.Scanner; public class FractionTester { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create objects Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // Ask for input // Create new Fraction with the user's input // Add the fractions // Make use of the getDenominator and getNumerator methods // Print out the fractions as an equation // Remember you don't have to call toString yourself! } } Fraction.java public class Fraction { private int numerator; private int denominator; public Fraction(int numer, int denom) { numerator = numer; denominator = denom; numer = 0; denom = 1; } public Fraction1 (int getNumerator, int getDenominator); { getNumerator = numer; getDenominator = denom; } // Returns the numerator public int getNumerator() { return numer; } // Returns the denominator public int getDenominator() { int denom; return denom; } // Returns a string representing a fraction // in the form // numerator/denominator public String toString() { return numerator + "/" + denominator; } }