You will write a Matlab function that plots the inverse Laplace transform of H(s) described by bmand an coefficients of the numerator and the denominator polynomials as in Equation (L7.8). function hplot (b, a) HPLOT Plot impulse response HPLOT (B, A) plots the pole-zero plot of the filter B/A: nb-1 nb-2 B(s) b(1) s + b(2) + b(nb) H(s) na-1 na-2 A(s) a (1) + a (2) ..+ a(na) B and A are the numerator and denominator coefficients. This function uses Matlab's residue function to find the partial fraction expansion of H(s). Read and understand residue in Matlab. For the previous example, see how the residues of H(s) is found using Matlab: » r, P, k) - residue (b, a) 4.5000 -1.5000 P -1 k= Here k is the constant term (direct term) in the expansion. As long as the degree of numerator is less than the degree of the denominator in H(s), k is 0, i.e., [].