four thirty three seconds to count... revenge not honored life not found real meanings behind these wars... closed doors we should not explore what is happening where is the love have you seen what true love really does will death solve issues we can't explain will the sun eventually dry up the rain sacrifice gifts... what for... what exists... what did i miss... looking for answers will get you lost... signs are clear hurry listen to the boss... do what your told don't resist take a knee for the world to see black list... think you have power we have none... put faith in the right direction the one... which way to go there's so many paths leave a trail to remember add the math do this fast before (the) time runs out can you see the future it's over now... past to the present you can feel the presence... change is coming do you hear the message.. too deep for the soul crying out in pain acid rain will eat through the chains release the beast that hides inside fire in his eyes he's ready to be alive... knowledge is power not the money dollar bill to a flame will burst into nothing.. what do i know though just a poor boy with coins to his name... weight of the world on my shoulders monsters can be tamed...