Please give the correct answer Only.
Task 1:
Udemy : Write down the test cases for the below.
1. Take up normal Signup flow -- Select a course.
2. Click on Add to Cart button, Select few more from the popup displayed
3. Proceed to the Cart page - check on the order summary details. Check on 3 activities -
Remove , Save for later and move to the wishlist options.
4. Check on random coupons - apply them
5. Checkout page - payment method - use only cards method to validate.
6. Imagine you place the order and get redirected to the success page. Explain the test
cases you would cover to make sure the courses you checked in are in the right places.
7. Once order placed, explain the cases you would verify to make sure the courses you
checked in flow Once order placed, explain the cases you would verify to make sure the
courses you checked in flow
Task 2:
Imagine we build a donation on demand product with an app where options to demand and
donate are shown for the blood recipient and blood donor respectively on different pages. No
blood bank in the picture. The donor needs to go to the recipient`s location/hospital in order to
donate. On any request from the recipient the donor should be notified according to the
convenience of location. Request will be open in the app until it is totally served or until the
request is closed by the recipient. Any improvements are welcome as well.
1. Make sure you cover cases (both positive and negative) for both the apps
2. Also explain what all the features you think are necessary to make it a viable product.
3. Also cover the test cases for the notification integration to the app