Fast and sketchy brushstrokes
Painting executed in outdoor areas, open-air, with the development of a lightweight e
pigments as portable art supplies
Impressionist artists tried to follow the age-old oil painting traditions, by applying lay
to their canvases sitting in their studio and tried to paint photorealistic paintings.
8. What is NOT a major feature of the post-Impressionist art? (1 point)
1) Expression of the subjective views and reflection of the inner world of the artist
2) Gradual movement toward abstraction
3) Illusionistic art with strict linear perspective
4) Strong interest in non-Western culture such as Japanism (Japonisme in French)
# 19--# 23 Islamic Art (7 point/ 7% of your final grade)
19. Which one of the following does NOT belong to Islam?
1) The Qur'an (Koran) written in Arabic as a pure written form of Allah's words
2) The House of Wisdom where Arabic scholars translated texts from all over the world.