Answer the following questions over the lyrical novella Ronit and Jamil.
Write the name of the character that each quote is about below.
1. "A tiger. Sleek on the outside, contained, he pounces on illness till oozes out of you.
2. "I am from the love of school and poetry. From the river, words, and sky.
3. "Imagine pills like poppies, sunflowers, roses, so many colors in papa's garden."
4. "Where I'm from, I'm a pilgrim, since I dream out of my Mother's kitchen."
5. "Whose womb was a garden of gardenias-Golden girls."
6. "Whose womb wrestled with war for years until twins tore through."
Decide which quote describes Palestine and which quote describes Israel below.
7. "Senseless school like history where they distort that Arabs have no rights to the land."
8. "Where I'm from trees don't remember their roots and hills don't remember their hilltops."
Read each question below and write the best answer.
9. Why do Ronit & Jamil's parents oppose their relationship?
10. What is one conflict Ronit & Jamil have with each other in Act II, "Complications"?
11. The mirroring poems, "Wolf" and "Tiger" used to characterize Ronit's and Jamil's fathers are what
type of poems?
12. What poetic form is used to tell the story of Ronit's and Jamil's intimate love in the dessert?