Fill in the blank (10 marks-Application). Type the appropriate word where the blanks are located.
a. ______ atoms form the framework oi biological molecules because of their ability form long chains.
b. Plants store excess energy in the form of the carbohydrate ______
c. Molecules made from many simple sugars subunits are called ______
d. Many animal bank their surplus chemical energy in the form of the carbohydrate ______
e. Carbon atoms are capable 0f forming four ______ bonds
f. _____ reactions result in depolymerization by breaking covalent bond through the addition water.
g. Fats consist of three fatty acids coupled to single molecule of ______
h. ______ are the major component of cell membranes.
i. The human body uses steroids such as cholesterol to synthesize _______
j. The lipids known as ______ cover the leaves and stems of many plants and serve to prevent dehydration