Answer :
Hesiod describes the creation of women as a great plague.
It later came to be known as the "great plague", largely because it was the last bubonic plague to occur in England during the second pandemic 400 years ago.
Bubonic plague, known as the Black Death, has been known in England for centuries. It was a terrible disease. The victim's skin turned black in patches, and inflamed glands or groin "humps" combined with obsessive vomiting, tongue swelling, and tearing headaches, made for a terrifying and torturous killer.
In 1665 the country suffered a devastating plague that killed thousands. Officially, the "great plague" killed 68,595 people in London that year. The true number is probably closer to 100,000, and he is one-fifth of the city's population. The bubonic plague did not come to London suddenly in 1665.
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