God has allotted, as if favoring you specially, the best-defined country in Europe. In other lands, marked by more uncertain or more interrupted limits, questions may arise which the pacific vote of all will one day solve, but which have cost, and will yet perhaps cost, tears and blood; in yours, no. God has stretched round you sublime and indisputable boundaries; on one side the highest mountains of Europe, the Alps; on the other the sea, the immeasurable sea… As far as this frontier your language is spoken and understood; beyond this you have no rights. Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, and the smaller islands between them and the mainland of Italy belong undeniably to you.…

A Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. The Country is the idea which rises upon that foundation; it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which binds together all the sons of that territory. So long as a single one of your brothers is not represented by his own vote in the development of the national life-so long as a single one vegetates uneducated among the educated-so long as a single one able and willing to work languishes in poverty for want of work-you have not got a Country such as it ought to be, the Country of all and for all. Votes, education, work are the three main pillars of the nation; do not rest until your hands have solidly erected them…

Use the excerpt above to answer the next two questions.
Question 11 of 50
To what nation is the author referring?




Question 12 of 50
The sentiment in the second paragraph is most closely described as:





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