You have been contacted by a government official, who is looking to spend 5 million USD of overseas aid funding to benefit human welfare by protecting an ecosystem. They wish to use the money to protect and or / restore an area of land (or sea), in collaboration with local communities. They would like your help to decide which ecosystem type (suggestions listed below) would lead to the greatest benefit in terms of human health, equality and wellbeing. Your task is to write a persuasive letter, arguing for the benefits of your chosen ecosystem. The official will be best convinced by: 1.An ecosystem services approach, using correct terminology 2.Clear evidence based (rather than emotional / value based) arguments 3.Clearly demonstrated correct scientific understanding (e.g. of the carbon cycle) 4.Specific studies, giving measured estimates of ecosystem services in particular locations (e.g. specific quantities of carbon stored or water purified, for example) - correctly cited 5.Ecosystems that store large quantities of carbon, since climate change mitigation is a priority. 6.Solutions that benefit disadvantaged communities (economically disadvantaged or excluded from decision making processes) 7.Reliable sources, carefully selected and evaluated Once they have read and considered all your arguments, they will choose to use the funding to enhance protection or restoration of one type of ecosystem. The ecosystem should be either Tropical rainforest or Boreal Forest. And the letter should be around 1000 words. Step 1 (paragraph 1): Identify a range of ecosystem services provided by your ecosystem: For your ecosystem, identify & research the ecosystem services it supplies. Work through the different categories (Provisioning, Regulating, and Cultural), and provide examples of each. Identify the people who benefit: e.g. local communities, from small villages to cities, indigenous people, tourists, scientists, conservationists, business owners, transnational corporations, the global community… and others. You do not need to write about all of these in your letter, but rather select the most important and argue clearly & specifically which people they benefit and how. Identify which of these ecosystem services have special value for your ecosystem, and find estimates of their value, either in monetary or other terms. Step 2 (Paragraph 2): Focus on Carbon Storage Research the following questions. Keep track of your sources. How does the ecosystem take up and release carbon to the atmosphere (check the C cycle)? What processes in the carbon cycle are involved (names and short description) ? Where (in what form) is carbon stored in the ecosystem ? Is the ecosystem currently acting as a sink or a source for carbon ? How sure are we ? How much carbon is stored in this ecosystem ? Find a recent (local or global) estimate from a reliable source. Ensure you use correct units & specify the geographical area / where the study was carried out. If you are unable to find a reliable source for this, evaluate the information you have been able to find. Extension: What changes in abiotic factors affect carbon cycling processes in your ecosystem ? (for example global climate change) Extension: How long has the carbon been stored in the ecosystems (e.g. in soils, peat or sediments, limestone) ? Step 3 (Paragraph 3&4): The Future. What are the major threats to this ecosystem ? Can it be restored or replaced ? What human activities are currently damaging the ability of your ecosystem to sequester carbon & deliver other ecosystem services ? (give at least 2 specific examples, with locations) (How) can the ecosystems be restored ? Investigate & describe at least 1 method for ecosystem restoration. Investigate and describe how scientists evaluate the success or these methods. What are the factors that limit or increase their success ? Evaluate how realistic and successful these approaches could be- e.g. will all ecosystem services be restored ? How long will it take ? Step 4 (Paragraph 5): Conclude and evaluate If this ecosystem was protected and / or restored, who would benefit ? In what ways ? Conversely, what would the consequences of not protecting this ecosystem be ? Consider different communities or groups of people (=stakeholders) who have come up in your research. This could include local communities, from small villages to cities, indigenous people, tourists, scientists, conservationists, business owners, transnational corporations, the global community… and others. Do they have equal access to the conditions needed for wellbeing ? How could protecting this ecosystem help provide development, wellbeing and equality for all groups ? Also please cite all of the sources that have been used in order to create the letter.