Unit 8a Assessment Reports
3 Look at the sentences below and identify which present positive aspects
and which negative ones. Then, match each positive point with the cor-
responding negative one, and join them into one sentence using linking
words expressing contrast (e.g. although, however, in spite of/despite
the fact that, even though, on the other hand, but, in contrast).
a) This car is cheaper than others of the same size and performance.
b) Service is slow and the menu is not very imaginative.
c) It is by far the best sports centre in the area.
d) Service and spare parts are expensive, and its fuel economy is poor.
e) It is only open to the public in the evenings.
f) Commercial breaks can cause people to switch channels.
g) The waiters at this restaurant are very pleasant and extremely polite.
h) Commercial TV channels usually choose popular, entertaining shows.
e.g. 1: a)-positive d) - negative
Although this car is cheaper than others of the same size and performance, ser-
vice and spare parts are expensive, and its fuel economy is poor.