Part one : Each of the following passages contains a single argument . Using the letters " P " and " C " , identify the premises and conclusion of each argument , writing premises first and conclusion last .
1. To every existing thing God wills some good . Hence , since to love anything is nothing else than to will good to that thing , it manifests that God loves everything that exists .
2. Every art and every inquiry , and similarly every action and pursuit , is thought to aim at some good ; and for this reason , the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim .
3. World government and the balance of power are in many ways opposites . World government means one central authority , a permanent standing world police force , and clearly defined conditions under which this force will go into action . A balance of power system has many sovereign authorities , each controlling its own army , combining only when they feel like it to control aggression . To most people world government now seems unattainable .
4. Since Christmas is always on a Thursday , it follows that the day after Christmas is always a Friday . Part two : Determine which of the following passages contains arguments . For those that are argument , identify the type of argument it is . For those that are not , attempt to determine the kind of non - arguments . For your write justifications .
5. Bear one thing in mind before you begin to write your paper : Famous literary works , especially works regarded as classics , have been thoroughly studied to the point where prevailing opinion on them has assumed the character of orthodoxy .
6. Young people at universities study to achieve knowledge and not to learn a trade . We must all learn how to support ourselves , but we must also learn how to live . We need a lot of engineers in the modern world , but we do not want a world of modern engineers .
7. Paying off terrorists in exchange for hostages is not a wise policy , since such action will only lead them to take more hostages in the future .
8. Statistics reveal that 86 percent of those who receive flu shots do not get the flu . Jack received a flu shot one month ago . Therefore , he should be immune , even though the flu is going around now .

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