Identify the name of the unknown bacterium Genus and species you Identified using the descriptive Flow Charts and Species ID Chart below
DNA sequence:

Morphological Characteristics
Gram reaction: positive
Cell shape: coccus (some ovoid)
Cell size: 0.5-0.75 um
Acid-fast: negative
Arrangement: pairs, chains
Endospores present: negative
Capsule present: negative
Motility: negative

Cultural Characteristics
Optimum temperature: 37o C (grows 22o to 45o C)
Oxygen requirement: facultative anaerobe (grows anaerobically)
Colony morphology on TSA plate: white or gray, circular or irregular,
0.5-1.0 mm diameter
Pattern of growth on TSA slant:
Pattern of growth in TSB: flocculent
Type of hemolysis on BAP: gamma

Physiological Characteristics
Oxidation/Fermentation tests
Glucose (dextrose) fermentation: Acid
Lactose fermentation: Acid
Mannitol fermentation: Acid
Sucrose fermentation:
Oxidation/Fermentation of glucose: O+/F+
Methyl Red (fermentation via mixed acid pathway):
Voges-Proskauer (fermentation via butanediol pathway: positive
Citrate utilization:
Nitrate reduction: negative
Oxidase test: negative

Hydrolytic and Degradative tests:
Catalase (breakdown of hydrogen peroxide): negative
Gelatin (gelatin hydrolysis): negative
Starch (amylase hydrolysis): varies
Skim milk (casein hydrolysis):
Urea (urea hydrolysis): negative
Indole (tryptophan hydrolysis):
Phenylalanine (phenylalanine deamination):

Other tests:
Hydrogen sulfide production:
DNase (DNA depolymerization):
Arginine (arginine decarboxylation): negative (11-89%)
Lysine (lysine decarboxylation):
Ornithine (ornithine decarboxylation):

lancfield group: none assigned
growth in 6.5% NaCl: negative
Bile esculin: negative