
Analia is a school district manager. Here are some details about two schools in her district for the last school year:
School A School B
Number of students 300030003000 400040004000
Number of teachers 190190190 380380380
Graduation rate 86\%86%86, percent 90\%90%90, percent
Budget per student \$10{,}500$10,500dollar sign, 10, comma, 500 \$10{,}000$10,000dollar sign, 10, comma, 000
% of students in sports club 62\%62%62, percent 68\%68%68, percent
Number of sports medals won 999 777
SAT average 120012001200 105010501050
SAT range (max-min) 900900900 700700700
Analia wants to know which school has higher athletic achievements relative to the budget per student.

FOR some stup1d reason no one had this DAM-N question