Subject: production art
Please upload your 'how to' guides on - Retractable Seating - please make sure you include the following:
Step by step process
Annotated Photos with in the document
Different types of staging that we have learnt about in lessons
*Make sure you reference where/what the seating would be used for?
*Make sure you explain how different types of stages create different types of performance spaces and what you could/would do with that creatively.
Criteria to follow:
At Pass, learners exhibit an appropriate application of skills and techniques, demonstrating an understanding of the required parameters and processes.
At Merit, learners exhibit a consistent application of skills and techniques, demonstrating a secure understanding of the required parameters and processes.
At Distinction, learners exhibit a sophisticated application of skills and techniques, demonstrating an insightful understanding of the required parameters and processes.
*this is a practice for a graded assessment