5. For this row of the Pascal’s triangle: [4K]
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1
a) state the row number. ___________________
b) state the terms of the next row of the Pascal’s Triangle.
c) state the value of the term equal to ___________________10,4 + 10,3
d) state the row number of Pascal’s triangle where the terms have a sum of 2048 ____________
6. Wong was at their favourite store “A”. When it is time to leave, Wong realizes
that there are many paths to exit B. Wong wonders how many pathways are
there to get to exit B if Wong can only walk down ( ) or right ( ) . Show your↓ →
work in the diagram. [2C]
Total Ways: __________
7. In how many ways could you write a seven digit number more than 6000000 that is even using only the digits 1,4,4,6,7,8,8. [5T,1C