Forward party
Green party
Republic party
Communist party
Libertarian party
The alliance party
Peace and form party
American form party
Democratic party
Reform party
A: focus on environmentalism , social justice , living wage , peace
B : centrist party that jeans conservative on the economy, reduce the debt , no stand on social issues
C : religion used , against liberalism , for traditional values , against gay marriage , gov, officials in service of god
D : New Moderate Party, pashes
for voting reform, no real stands on other issues
E : Anti-Capitattsts, socialist,
equality, want strong gov.many government services
F : Mainstream liberal. Greater
Together, Civil Rts for all, higher min-Wage, pro social, promote change
G: Mainstream conservative,
pro business, amalter fed. Gov., Less tax
H : Started in 1960's by Hippies,
Socialist, rights & equality, no laws against drug use
I : Total-Individual freedom
minimum gov. maximum freedom, no gun control, small gov., laissez faire
J : Moderate,Centrist, pro
education for all, necessary health care for all